I cannot recommend Dale and Lilliput Driver Training highly enough,

As with many, I was initially drawn to LDT due to the highly competitive price point – I promise, if you are looking around for cheaper, you won’t find it – I tried!
With this came some reservation that perhaps the cheaper price might mean a lesser service… NOT A BIT OF IT!

The tuition was progressive, adaptable and responsive to my individual needs. Dale was welcoming and friendly but the consummate professional throughout. At all times I was consulted as to the training delivery to ensure that I was happy and to adapt the focus to that which I felt least confident with. If I needed/wanted to do a skill again, we did – not questions asked.

I remained Dale’s focus all day – no phone calls on the side to other prospective clients that I have experienced in the past. This meant I didn’t feel rushed and could maximise the time we had on the road.

On test day I was put at ease (as much as you can be on test day), given time to relax and compose myself prior to the test and to ask any final questions/practice any skills i wished to.

On the test I found that most of the route we drove was covered during the course – in particular the tricky roundabouts that Poole offers. Nothing was a surprise on the test and I felt entirely ready when the time came.

I recommend LDT without reservation. If you are considering booking with LDT – do it now, you won’t regret it.

A big thank you to Dale.